Monthly Archives: November 2018

Thawing Out Ice Melt Confusion

By |2024-01-05T22:16:30-06:00November 27, 2018|

In many parts of North America, building owners and managers are legally required to place ice melt compounds not only on immediate building entries but on nearby walkways and sidewalks as well. Typically, they turn to their jansan distributors and cleaning professionals to select the proper compounds to use and install at their facilities to ...

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Winter Carpet Care Calls for a Plan

By |2024-01-05T22:16:31-06:00November 26, 2018|

Most facilities have one of two types of carpet cleaning plans in place. Some facilities have their carpets cleaned every few months on a set schedule―whether they need it or not―but most facilities seem to clean their carpets only when they look soiled. Surprisingly, neither of these programs is efficient, as not all carpets experience ...

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Choosing the Best Deicer

By |2024-01-05T22:16:31-06:00November 19, 2018|

As the variety of deicing and anti-icing materials has increased, facility decision-makers must balance the pluses and minuses of the solutions available. Which are most effective—and most cost effective? What are the environmental impacts? How quickly and conveniently can they be applied? Importantly, facility managers and maintenance contractors must consider how deicing materials impact surfaces ...

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Iberian Update: The Cleaning Sector in Numbers

By |2018-11-09T04:32:07-06:00November 9, 2018|

El sector de la limpieza en Iberia en cifras Read in English GENERAL La facturación del sector de la Limpieza llegó a casi 10.000 millones en el año 2017, lo que supone un crecimiento de un 2% respecto al 2016*. El conjunto del mercado ibérico (España/Portugal) facturó 10.600 millones de euros. Portugal aumentó su facturación ...

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Italian Update: PAN GPP Action Plan

By |2024-01-05T22:16:37-06:00November 9, 2018|

PAN GPP Piano d’azione per la sostenibilità ambientale Read in English A spingere le aziende manifatturiere nello sviluppo e nella produzione di determinati prodotti non è solo il mercato dei consumatori (quindi un approccio dal basso), ma anche l’insieme di normative e direttive che, in un’ottica più ampia, mirano a modificare il mercato stesso determinando dall’alto ...

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Nordic Update: Region Moving towards RFC

By |2024-01-05T22:16:37-06:00November 9, 2018|

Residue Free Cleaning (RFC) has become the hottest topic in the Nordic region. Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, is currently conducting a two-year study into how cleaning chemicals evaporation is affecting indoor air quality. But what is so-called Residue Free Cleaning? It is an example of the process of combining pure or treated water, mixed ...

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UK Contract Cleaning Market Update

By |2024-01-05T22:16:38-06:00November 9, 2018|

Following three years of marginal growth, the contract cleaning market in the United Kingdom accelerated between 2014 and 2016 in line with the economy. However, according to AMA Research’s “Contract Cleaning Market Report – U.K. 2017-2021 Analysis,” this growth is unlikely to be sustained over the next few years due to uncertainty caused by factors ...

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Iberian Update: The Cleaning Sector in Numbers

By |2024-01-05T22:16:59-06:00November 9, 2018|

El sector de la limpieza en Iberia en cifras Read in English GENERAL La facturación del sector de la Limpieza llegó a casi 10.000 millones en el año 2017, lo que supone un crecimiento de un 2% respecto al 2016*. El conjunto del mercado ibérico (España/Portugal) facturó 10.600 millones de euros. Portugal aumentó su facturación ...

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Benelux Update: Strong Growth in the Cleaning Industry

By |2024-01-05T22:16:40-06:00November 7, 2018|

Schoonmaakindustrie Goed en Gestaag Read in English De schoonmaakindustrie groeit goed en gestaag door. Dit jaar zal de groei 4,8% bedragen. De economie is “booming” en groeit dit jaar met 2,5%. Hiermee is het weer terug op het niveau van net voor het begin van de financiele crisis. Groot tekort aan tewerkgestelde schoonmakers. Niet enkel ...

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